CAPAM work for WCSAM

The World Conference on Stock Assessment Methods (WCSAM) was held in Boston July 15-19, 2013. 220 participants from 23 countries registered for the conference. WCSAM provided a forum for presentations on the application of state-of-the-art and future of fisheries stock assessment methods. It considered single stock approaches for data rich and poor stocks, spatial and temporal change, and also multispecies and ecosystem based approaches.

During the Conference, CAPAM Staff work contributed 6 out of 20 (30%) oral presentations on single species stock assessments. CAPAM Staff also contributed two additional talks to the Workshop preceeding WCSAM and by setting up alternative Stock Synthesis model configurations for several stocks  in collaboration with Dr. Richard Methot (NOAA) as part of the SISAM project.

WCSAM recommended the development of good practice guidelines (a focus of one of CAPAM's Programs) and specifically identified the selectivity workshop organized by CAPAM as an example of the type of activities needed to develop the guidelines.