
There are numerous gear selectivity functions available for use in stock assessment models, which may also vary over time. However, to date, there is much disagreement on how best to parameterize the probability of capture (including gear selectivity and population availability/vulnerability), with different choices often leading to contrasting management consequences. Limited research has provided some guidance on Good Practices, but further simulation-based research across varied model settings will be necessary to objectively examine selectivity parameterization within the fully-integrated, multiple data source modeling platforms commonly employed presently.

A workshop was held in La Jolla, CA on March 11-14th, 2013, to investigate the issues involved in modeling selectivity in fisheries stock assessments. A special issue of the journal Fisheries Research on selectivity is under development. Dr. Sheng-Ping Wang conducted selectivity research while a visiting scientist at CAPAM. Drafting of the selectivity section of the Good Practices Guide is in progress.

Final selectivity workshop report is now available:
Crone, P. R., M. N. Maunder, J. L. Valero, J. D. McDaniel, and B. X. Semmens (Editors). Selectivity: theory, estimation, and application in fishery stock assessment models. Workshop Series Report 1. Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM). NOAA/IATTC/SIO, 8901 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037. 46 p. Link
Recordings and presentations from our recent selectivity workshop are available: Recordings and Presentations Link
Fisheries Research Special Issue
The publication can be found at: